Archive for the ‘Inserts’ Category


White RoseAs with many a book, my copy of Trek to Texas has a few things tucked lovingly inside the pages. Some I put there myself, including the clipping from my Grandmother’s obituary and the flower I kept from her funeral. At some point over the years, someone included a torn and tattered, yellowed slip of paper with a poem by M.L. Foster. Try as I might, I could not find which M.L. Foster wrote the poem, or even if it was written by a man or a woman. The best clue I have is in the poem itself, which mentions “the great war”, so I can only assume the ancestor that wrote it was referring to World War I.

In the interest of keeping the story going, I’ve decided to include these inserts on the site, as well as any other stories, photos and documents that I might gather in my own journey in bringing Trek to Texas to the web.

  1. My Sons Have Gone Away by M.L. Foster
    (including a photo of my mother’s brother, Robert, from World War II)
  2. Amnesty Oath of M. Berry Anderson Foster
  3. Obituary Clipping for Evvie Reeves, 1988

My Sons Have Gone Away

by M.L. Foster

Uncle Robert

Uncle Robert

I watched them grow, these Sons of mine,
From baby boys to men,
Their milk-white skin burn raw and red,
Then turn to deep dark tan.

I taught them how to play, to work,
To make of life a game,
We were so happy them and I,
Until the great war came.

The call to war was clear and loud;
They did not hesitate,
Their single words rang in my ears,
I’ll fight for home and State!

And I am left alone, but proud;
My Sons have gone away,
And they Dear God are in your care,
Please bring them back some day.

My Sons Have Gone Away

Amnesty Oath

Amnesty Oath of M. Berry Anderson Foster

My only copy of the Amnesty Oath that M. Berry Anderson Foster took, swearing his allegiance to the Union at the end of the U.S. Civil War is only a photocopy that was sent by one of mom’s cousins. He passed away of cancer last year, so I have no way of getting in touch with anyone who might have the original copy or know where it is. I’ve transcribed it here to the best of my ability (some words were just too faded or blocked by the photocopy ink to be legible). My understanding of why the Oath was even necessary is that any Texan who didn’t sign this Oath, regardless of which side they were on during the Civil War, would be put in prison. Some accounts of the Oath are that it was the only way political Prisoners of War were paroled and released back to their homes.

Amnesty Oath
No. 373
Millieum (?) Houston, Texas

July 8th, 1865

I, M. Berry A. Foster do solemnly swear or affirm in the presence of Almighty God that I will hereafter faithfully defend the Constitution of the United States and the Union of the States thereunder, and that I will in like manner abide by, and faithfully support all laws and proclamations which have been made during the existing rebellion with reference to the emancipation of slaves.


(signature) MBA Foster

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of July, 1865

(illegible witness signature)
Co. “C” 114th Regiment, Ohio

Name: M. Berry A. Foster
Age: 37
Height: 5 ft. 10
Hair: Dark
Eyes: Blue
Complexion: Fair
Occupation: Carpenter
Residence: Brazos, Texas

Amnesty Oath

Amnesty Oath of M. Berry Anderson Foster, signed July 8, 1865

My Grandmother, Evvie Reeves

GrandmaGrandma was the person who first gave me the copy of Trek to Texas and inspired me in many ways. Below is the copy of her obituary and the white rose that I pressed into the book from her funeral. At my mother’s request, I have blocked out some names and cities for people with currently living relatives. Just two weeks after Grandma’s death, we also lost her oldest daughter, Aunt Rozell, and later my Aunt Billie and Uncle Orval as well, and all of Grandma’s brothers and sisters.


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